Get Paid $100 to $250 ... in Cold, Hard Cash ... Just for Giving Your Opinion About Products and Services You Use Every DayThese special firms have stacks of $50 and $100 bills they want to give you ... just for answering a few simple questions. It will take you just an hour or two of your time, and in exchange, they will pay you $100 to $250 or more. There is no easier or more pleasant way on the planet to make quick cash! |
![]() "About Bob Bly"McGraw-Hill calls him "America's top copywriter." With more than a quarter of a century experience, Bob Bly has written winning promotions for IBM, AT&T, Agora Publishing, Medical Economics, The Motley Fool, Sony Corporation, and dozens of other clients. He is the author of more than 70 books including The Copywriter's Handbook (Henry Holt) and Count Your Blessings (Thomas Nelson) and is a columnist for DM News and Early to Rise. What they say about Bob Bly"One of the best copywriters in the business." "Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both." "Considered one of the best copywriters in the country." "There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know." "20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier." "For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing." "Perhaps the most famous copywriter of all." "When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master." "Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!" "In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry." "I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing." "I am happy to report to you that your piece outproduced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...." "The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago." "As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional material. But I am not a professional copywriter. It wasn't until I took my own advice that I started getting the results I deserved. With Bob Bly, I got what I wanted - in the promised time frame - with re-writes - and the results I wanted. Thanks Bob!" "I found your ad copy compelling, powerful ... even entertaining. You really communicated the 'feel' of the message we are selling. Thanks for such great work, Bob!" "Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and it set sales records this fall. People couldn't stop themselves from responding." "Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the book continues to do so very well." "A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands." "Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing guru...or, at the very least, he's mine." "I am thrilled with your package, it is doing great -- will roll out as the control." "Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the first week." "Just to let you know we have been using your 8 ways letter and brochure that you did for us last year with great success. We decided to double our monthly direct mailing. Things are really taking off. I can only attribute that to our increased direct mail program. Thank you for helping us get an effective package together." "Your e-mail to promote ETR pulled double the response and three times the gross revenue of the control, with a 45% increase in average order size." "We're very pleased! The piece you wrote has at 43 days resulted in 204 orders and 165% ROI. I have submitted a new mail plan for a rollout for 200,000+ pieces. You'll be getting a royalty payment for this." "It was a pleasure to work with you. Your stuff just works. You are the best money I've ever spent. Thanks a million!" "Your copy was right on target and played a major role in one of our most successful new product launches." "We're still running both projects you did for us last time. They're still pulling. Great stuff." "The first four times your half-page, 2-color ad ran in Chemical Engineering, it was the highest inquiry generating ad in the magazine. It even outscored full pages and spreads." "We still are using [the package you did for us]. It still beats all challengers to the control." "Potence insert is looking good, currently projected to achieve a 3.64% response with a $60 (three units of purchase) average order." |
Dear Friend: About a year or so ago, my wife and I stumbled upon one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways in the world to make quick cash. It started with a phone call. We almost hung up, thinking it was a telemarketing call. But I'm glad we didn't, because it led to our discovery of an easy way for anyone, with no skills or education required, to make $50 to $150 an hour with absolutely no effort -- and payment guaranteed! "My name is Linda," the woman began. "I work for Plaza Research, and we are conducting a market research study on laundry detergent." (It may have been another product. To be honest; my recollection is hazy. But that's not the point.) "Mrs. Bly," Linda told my wife Amy, "We will pay you $150 to come in and discuss your opinions and buying preferences on laundry detergent with a group of other homemakers." Now, you think we'd be suspicious ... wary that we were being scammed. But both Amy and I had worked in advertising, so we knew immediately what was going on. Plaza Research was a market research company. Their client, more than likely, was either a big Madison Avenue advertising agency ... or a manufacturer of detergent. What they were doing was market research to determine consumer interest in either a new brand of laundry detergent or a new ad campaign to sell detergent. In this kind of consumer research, a market research company invites a group of consumers -- typically half a dozen or so people -- to come into a room and give their opinion ... on a product, service, or maybe a slogan or an idea for an ad campaign. Importantly, there are no "right answers." You can't say the wrong thing or make a mistake. No matter what opinion you give, it's correct ... and you get paid no matter what you say or think of their product or ad campaign -- even if you hate everything they show you! You don't even need specialized knowledge of the product they are asking you about. These market research companies don't want to talk to specialists. They prefer the opinions of everyday consumers, like you and me. And it's good pay.... Earn $100 an hour for "unskilled labor" The session takes an hour or two. For a short session, the pay is anywhere from $50 to $100. A longer session can pay anywhere from $150 to $250 or more. In the advertising industry, these market research studies are called "focus groups," because they get a group of consumers to focus and think about a particular product or service. After Amy did her session on laundry detergent, for which she got $150, I got a call from the same market research firm. They wanted investors to give their opinion on a new type of investment their client, a large financial services firm, was thinking of offering. The next evening, I drove 20 minutes to a nice office building, where coffee, soda, and cake awaited us. With a pleasant group of about half a dozen other men and women, I sat around a table and gave my opinion on the investment product, in response to questions asked by the group leader, an employee of the market research company. I have to tell you: it was a lot of fun! I liked being able to tell a big Wall Street firm, "Here's what you'd have to do to get me to invest in your product!" I also liked knowing they were listening to me and valued my opinion. It's flattering. And you know they DO want your opinion. Otherwise, they would not pay the market research firm thousands of dollars to conduct the study. Or make million-dollar business and marketing decisions based upon it. After about 90 minutes or so, the study ended. They thanked us. And they handed each of us an envelope as we were leaving. Each envelope contained two fresh $100 bills and one crisp, new $50 bill. That weekend, I took my wife and kids to a movie and a dinner at a nice Italian restaurant ... all paid for with some of the money I made for giving my opinion. No need to cash my regular paycheck or dig into my wallet to pay for our fun! Being a publisher of business opportunities, I knew I had hit a gold mine ... and had to share this tremendous opportunity with you. You see, you don't have to wait, like we did, to be lucky enough to have a market research firm call you. Instead, there are ways you can actively register to be a participant in these market research sessions, where you can earn $50 to $100 an hour for doing nothing more than giving your honest opinion of consumer products and services. By the way, in some cases, such as when the product is a food, beverage, soap, detergent, or other consumable, you even get free products to take home and use -- a nice "perk" of the job! How can you get in on this incredible spare-time money-making opportunity of giving your opinion for quick cash? I've put all the details into my new 54-page, quick-reading guide and directory, Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion: Quick Cash from Participating in Consumer Market Research Focus Groups. Read below for more details on this lucrative new opportunity, or if you are ready to get started, just click here now: U.S. companies desperately want to pay you $50 to $250 for your opinions! In Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion, you will discover:
But the most valuable part of Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion is a 45-page mini-directory of dozens of market research firms that will pay you for your opinion. Here you'll find listings for the top U.S. market research companies -- both in your state and nationwide. Each listing contains the complete contact information you need to register with the company and let them know you're available to participate in their focus groups. Here's the best part: when you contact these companies asking to participate in their focus groups and be paid $100 to $250 for an hour or two of your time, you won't be pestering them. On the contrary: the market research firms listed in my directory are waiting to hear from you ... and eager to sign you up. You see, market research is a huge business. More than $5 billion is spent in the U.S. annually on market research. Advertising, an even bigger industry, absolutely depends on the results of these important market research studies to guide its efforts. Each year in the United States, a staggering $44.9 billion is spent on newspaper advertising ... $11.4 billion on magazine advertising ... $60.7 billion on TV commercials ... $19.1 billion on radio commercials ... $13.6 billion on Yellow Pages ... and $7.3 billion on Internet advertising. The total spent on advertising and market research in America each and every year: a whopping $162 billion. With that much money at stake, you can imagine why these big national advertisers will pay you $100 to $250 to make their expensive ad campaigns work without blinking twice. FREE Bonus -- Become a "Mystery Shopper!" Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion also includes a bonus section on "How to Become a Mystery Shopper." In addition to paying you $50 to $150 an hour to participate in focus groups, a number of the firms listed hire ordinary people like you and me to work for them as "mystery shoppers." Mystery shopping is "undercover" shopping: the mystery shopper acts as a regular consumer while gathering information for the business owner about such issues as the quality of service provided by the staff, location's cleanliness, and ease of finding merchandise. As a mystery shopper, you'll get paid for your time. You'll have certain flexibility regarding the time frame of the assignment. And, you'll be able to participant more often than in focus groups. For guys and gals who love to shop, this is as close to a "dream job" as you'll come in this lifetime! Would you pay $29 to make $100, or more? What is a lucrative new business opportunity worth to you ... one that can make you, on a regular basis, $100 to $150 an hour -- in cold, hard cash? Do one study a month and you can earn $1,000 a year or more. How about just $29? That's what we charge for Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion -- and that includes the 45-page mini-directory of U.S. market research firms plus the bonus section on "How to Become a Mystery Shopper." I guarantee that in just the first focus group you participate in after reading our report, you will make at least $100, which means the book will have paid for itself three times over. After that, you can continue to use Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion as often as you like to participate in focus groups ... online, mail, and phone market research surveys ... and mystery shopping programs. But if for any reason ... or for no reason ... you are not 100% satisfied with Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion, just let me know within 90 days. You will receive a full refund of the entire $29 purchase price. That way, you risk nothing. Fun and easy ... and, you can do it in your spare time. Participating in consumer market research is fun and easy work, earning you hundreds of extra dollars each month ... in your spare time. You won't have to quit your day job. And there are no licenses or special education or skills required. Listen: I often uncover and write about business opportunities that can free you from the rat race ... and make you $100,000 a year or more in your own home-based business. Participating in focus groups is not one of those. You should do this to supplement your current income, not replace it. Still, as a spare-time opportunity, it's terrific. You just sit in a room and give your honest opinion of whatever product, service, or ad they show you. There are no wrong answers. They must accept whatever you say. And when you are done after an hour or two, they will thank you with a smile ... and a payment of $100 to $250 or more for just a couple of hours of your time. Wouldn't you like an extra hundred dollars or two in your pocket this month? And hundreds of dollars in easy, additional spare-time income throughout the year? Then what are you waiting for? To get on the "call" list of market research companies in your area eager to pay you for your opinions ... and start earning hundreds of extra dollars a month in your spare time ... click below now: Sincerely, Robert W. Bly P.S. Just a few weeks ago, Amy got another call from a market research firm ... went in ... and in 90 minutes made a quick $150! These firms are flooded with demand from clients to conduct extensive market research studies requiring hundreds of participants. They are hiring ordinary people like us every day of the week. Why not grab your share of the cash? To get started in your spare-time "career" as a market research focus group participant ... and earn $100 to $150 an hour with every session ... just click below now. Remember, there's no risk or obligation of any kind: P.P.S. Order Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion today and get a FREE 56-page Bonus Report, The Psychology of Selling and Marketing (value: $29). In it, you will discover: To order Make $100 an Hour Giving Your Opinion ... and claim your FREE Bonus Report ... click here now: |